Friday, May 21, 2010

Why We Do This

As Andrew and I approached our 2010 running goals, we realized that we were in need of some serious changes to the intensity of our workouts.  Being a top level runner takes a balance of speed, endurance, strength, and mental fortitude.  For that reason we both committed to the most major change to our daily workouts you could endure.  More kids.

Being a parent is like running a 10k while carrying an enormous bag of Idaho potatoes 20 hours a day (although I guess any potato could work in this analogy).  You will gain muscles you never knew existed, push your endurance training to completely new levels, provide yourself with a 365 day a year alarm clock, and most importantly have the ultimate motivation every day.  Now keep in mind, this is coming from the perspective of a dad, who has ZERO understanding of what moms endure every day.  Someone should really come up with a day to honor those brave mothers out there.

As I have watched the middle-age portion of my life quickly run me down, I have realized how much our lives really change as we get older.  Despite the new pains we discover on nearly a daily basis, the loss of free time from our lives altogether, and the challenge to get enough sleep nearly every night (we usually start our runs around 5:00am), we cannot think of anything that would make our lives more complete (enter sappy yet true sentimental segment of blog).  We have amazing wives that love us despite us, and wonderful kids who make every day both a challenge, but more importantly worth living.  Our wives are amazing moms to Callie and Wade, and we know they have already taken exceptional care of the ones who have not yet made their arrival.  To our wives, thank you for choosing to keep us around.   (Exit sappy yet true sentimental segment of blog).

So come May/June (For Andrew and Robin) and June/July (for Anna and I) we once again plan to rev up our workouts (aka…add new babies).  We realize that no matter how many repeats/hills we have run or diapers changed, we will never quite be ready.  Regardless, we can’t think of anything better.

photo  DSC_0207_thumb[1]

Race on.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for both the new babies- and I love the family pictures! Keep up the running!
